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地元の『People’s Champion』



This pretty little girl is being treated for cancer at @primarychildrens where Kycie spent so much of her time. Other than our house, I believe Kycie spends her time at that hospital. Walking its halls, and being an angel to so many. Primary Children’s Hospital is such a special place, and I can personally testify of the angels that walk its halls. Today Maya saw her favorite Jazz man @spidadmitchell at the Cheesecake Factory. When she asked for a picture, he ran to his car and signed a pair of shoes for her. Class act Donavan Mitchell, that little act means more than you know. I love that she has on her Kisses For Kycie shirt?. @jjterry77 #kissesforkycie #keepcalmandmayaon #cancersucks

Kycie Jai Terryさん(@kisses4kycie)がシェアした投稿 –


弱冠21歳ながら、NBA選手になるチャンスを与えてくれたソルトレイクシティーに、あらゆる形でポジティブな影響を与え続けているミッチェル。NBA新人王は逃したかもしれないが、ソルトレイクシティーでは『People’s Champion(みんなのチャンピオン)』として称賛されている。